Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Swollen Skies and Empty Sighs

We are in the midst of an unwanted transition right now, not something I have any control over, but something I am caught up in. And it makes my heart heavy. As I came home from work today, feeling the weight of grief, I could only see the base of the mountains. It felt like the very clouds were pressing down on my chest, making it hard to breathe. It was as if the skies outside and my heart inside stood eye to eye and made a place for my sorrow. Here is what came out of that:

Swollen Skies and Empty Sighs

Sorrow hangs in the air
like clouds shroud the hills,
weighing on my soul
like an unbroken sob.
Whence comes our help?
We lift our eyes to the hills
and see swollen skies:
flat, white clouds,
blotting out beauty,
eclipsing hope.
An empty sigh forms;
no tears to fill it.

This simple act of expiration,
is not of desperation,
for we know there are peaks
behind the clouds,
and breath behind the sigh.
Peaks that will be revealed
in radiant white,
gleaming with snow.
We know they are there,
we just can't see them today.
Lord, let the the terminus
of this sorrow
be peace,
as the clouds bring us snow.
Dona nobis pacem.

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