Sunday, December 13, 2020

Santa Lucia Day

 Another Santa Lucia Day, come and gone. As we have the last several years, we began with saffron buns and our own Lucia, complete with white dress, red sash, and candled wreath upon her head. As we sat at the table eating, I watch the candles burn down and thought over Lucia's life and death, and what her story can teach us. Of course, that means my thoughts came out in poem form. 

Santa Lucia

Lucia’s candle ever shorter grows
Like these twilit waning days
Against the dark it ever glows
‘Till darkness snuffs its golden rays

Of hope she sings unsetting sun
This bread for you and blood poured out
Her self pledged only ever one
True love her light reflects without

Passion alone her candle burns
No torch can make it blaze
Throat silenced for the quiet yearns
These still dark waning days

This bread eat and drink this cup
Borne light upon your brow
Even falling lifted up
Dawn’s light comes swiftly now

On Santa Lucia day 

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