Thursday, December 13, 2018

Bearing the Light: Saint Lucia Day

Today is Saint Lucia Day. In general, we don't celebrate saint days, but this one... this one feels... different. Maybe it's the Scandinavian heritage passed from my husband to my daughter. Maybe it is the darkest of the dark setting in as we approach the solstice. Maybe it is the beauty of taking what we have and carrying it forth in the light of Christ to share his love with others. Whatever it is, over the past few years this has become a day that we love.

As I revisited the stories about Saint Lucia, I was pondering her name, derived from lux, lucis, meaning "light". It is fitting for her day to be filled with light, not because she is the light, but because she bears the Light before others.

One whose name is also derived from lux means "light bearer" and yet in stark contrast does not bear the light, but seeks to destroy the light. Lucifer was intended to bear the light, but rejected the role he was supposed to play.

Lucia also rejected the role she was supposed to play, dedicating her life to Christ instead of to the dictates of contemporary culture. One is a rejection of Christ for culture in order to gain glory, the other is a rejection of culture for Christ, for His glory. I think there is more to ponder here.

Both Lucia and Lucifer share a common linguistic root, and with that playing through my head this Advent season, a time of dark and light, anticipating life and death, these are my thoughts (in draft)...


Whose name means light
but bears the light
Is not the light
But steps with light, quick feet
to bring light
and hope
and abundance
to those whose is waning
like the afternoon sun
like the lifeless walls 
of the tombs they indwell
dead inside
and outside
dark outside
and inside
but light
and life!

Whose name bears light
But means the light 
To not be light
And uses light and heavy hands
To twist light
Into darkness
And lack
To steal rest from the weary
With sleepless nights 
And busy days
That trade life for death
Empty inside
And outside
Sepulchral outside 
And inside 
To overcome life
And light
But can’t. 

The Light... comes
and with it, Hope
and Abundance
Grace and Peace
and Joy and Love
and death
and life.
And light

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. 

On Saint Lucia and Lucifer and Christ, who is the Light of the world. 

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